Pacific Elementary School

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Programs » Young At Art

Young At Art

Young at Art now has a website! Please visit to access information about Young at Art. 

To create is meaningful and necessary to life. We each may have differing levels of need to create, but everyone does experience a sense of success in the simple act of being creative. Creativity leads to productivity, which leads to feeling accomplished, which lends to the overall feeling of happiness and pride in what we can do or add to this world. 

There is another fabulous year of art enrichment planned for our children’s classrooms. This wonderful program was created and is sustained by people like you, our volunteers, whose unwavering dedication and commitment are the foundation of Young at Art.

Young at Art (YAA) is a non-profit organization that brings six art projects to over 6,000 students in our community. The primary goal is to provide quality art projects in a "non-judgmental" atmosphere, stressing the creative process rather than the end result. 

If you are interested in becoming a docent for a classroom or just volunteering to help out in the classroom, please contact Devon Wilson.