Green Initiatives at Pacific are designed to help the school achieve a net-zero, no-waste, fossil fuel-free campus and are part of district-led measures at all MBUSD schools to protect the environment. The Pacific Elementary Green Team is comprised of 4th and 5th grade students and is led by 5th grade teacher Ms. Henderson along with district Green Chairs, who are parents of Pacific students.
The Pacific Elementary Green Team heads up the following Green Initiatives:
Walk or Wheel Tuesdays
Pacific families are encouraged to walk, bicycle, scooter, or skate to school on Tuesdays (and every day) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution. Studies show that student exercise obtained from walking or wheeling to school and improved local air quality both contribute to enhanced academic performance and health outcomes. Last year, the students with the highest participation won gift cards to Skechers and Hydroflask water bottles.
No Idle Zone
The entire Pacific campus is a No Idle Zone to protect students, faculty, and families from harmful particulate matter released by idling motor vehicles.
The Pacific Garden is maintained by district Garden Representatives, who are parents of Pacific students. During recess and after school hours, Garden Representatives teach students how to plant, grow, and nurture fruits and vegetables using organic and sustainable methods. The district is working toward offering some limited garden-to-table lunch options.
Lunchtime Waste Sorting
Students are encouraged to recycle, compost, and minimize waste at lunchtime. Clearly labeled sorting bins, compostable lunch trays, and guidance for compliance are provided during school lunch hours.
Green Campus Maintenance
All equipment used to maintain outdoor campus grounds is electric, while gray water is used for irrigation. Additionally, all MBUSD schools prioritize non-toxic cleaning products and limit pesticide usage.
Meatless Mondays
Starting in 2023, the district will be offering Meatless Monday lunch options to help improve awareness about the positive environmental and health impacts of eating a plant-based diet and of decreasing meat consumption.
Campus Activity Eco-Audits
Also new in 2023, MBUSD is rolling out eco-audits at each school site. Eco-audits will be conducted by the Green Initiatives Chairs and Green Teams to find more environmentally friendly ways to celebrate longtime Pacific traditions such as classroom parties, Movie Night, and the Hometown Fair.
Every classroom at Pacific has a recycling bin, and the campus maintains a year-round battery recycling bin at the front office.
Earth Week
During Earth Week, the Green Team celebrates planet Earth with campus-wide daily educational activities such as Make a Difference Monday, Walk or Wheel Tuesday, Waste-Free Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, Pledge Friday, and a Beach Clean Up day.
Pacific Elementary’s ongoing participation in Green Initiatives has contributed to the District’s distinction as Gold Medalist in the California Green Ribbon District Competition and US Department of Education designation as a National Green Ribbon District.